Shared note

Last Address:Waitara (Labourer)
Age at Death:29 Years
Date of Death:25 Jul 1892
Funeral Director:Not Available
Date of Burial:29 Jul 1892
Location in Cemetery:Unknown Burial Location

Boat Accident at Waitara.


New Plymouth, to-day,

An inquest is being held at Waitara on the bodies of the men drowned at Waitara on Monday night. The evidence adduced is that Peter Petersen, John Harris, Dan Reavy (seamen), and Arthur Larsen (a cooper), started on a fishing expedition in a whaleboat on Monday morning. The weather was fair and in the evening the boat was seen coming in. As nothing was seen of the men next morning their absence caused some alarm, and a Native who was gathering wood on the beach brought information into Waitara that he had seen dead Europeans there. A number of persona went on the beach where the bodies of Petersen, Larsen, and Harris were found, but no trace of Reavy wfts to be seen. The accident is supposed to have occurred when the party were trying to cross the bar after dark. No vestige of the boat has been seen. Reavy leaves a wife and several children. Petersen is a married man. .Harris is a married man and has three children. Reavy was a good swimmer, and on occasions had very narrow escapes from drowning on the Waitara bar, and was always confident he could swim ashore. He was one of a party who were capsized on the bar some short time since.

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Peter Petersen
161 Danmark
0 July 25, 1892
132 29 Waitara, New Zealand
Thursday, September 22, 2022 1:11 PM
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